bangumi的三一大佬最近在研究计算机系统结构,他今天突然在群里提出了一个问题:linux有命令能刷新CPU cache吗?
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- 绝大多数的现代CPU有两个L1 cache:data cache和instruction cache。这种大量访存的方式只能清除L1的data cache,无法清除L1的instruction cache。
- 因为不知道CPU内部的具体实现方式,所以无法保证CPU会把cache里的所有旧数据全部替换掉。如果上述程序所访问的数据只在cache的一个section里打转,那么就根本算不上“清除”了cache。
- 最致命的一点就是:这种方式与随便找一堆代码执行一下又有什么分别呢?
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Running a few times under different names (code produced not the script) should do the work [2]
经过查阅资料,发现了一个有趣的事情,现代CPU提供了一种能直接作用于cache line的指令:CLFLUSH
(即flush cache line)。
**所以严格来说,能直接接触CPU cache的方法是存在的**
There are x86 assembly instructions to force the CPU to flush certain cache lines (such as CLFLUSH), but they are pretty obscure. CLFLUSH in particular only flushes a chosen address from L1 caches.
The CLFLUSH instruction does not flush only the L1 cache. From the Intel x86-64 reference manual: “The CLFLUSH (flush cache line) instruction writes and invalidates the cache line associated with a specified linear address. The invalidation is for all levels of the processor’s cache hierarchy, and it is broadcast throughout the cache coherency domain.” [1]
,使指定cache line的数据变成invalid。
Fortunately, there is more than one way to explicitly flush the caches.
The instruction “wbinvd” writes back modified cache content and marks the caches empty. It executes a bus cycle to make external caches flush their data. Unfortunately, it is a privileged instruction. But if it is possible to run the test program under something like DOS, this is the way to go. This has the advantage of keeping the cache footprint of the “OS” very small.
Additionally, there is the “invd” instruction, which invalidates caches without flushing them back to main memory. This violates the coherency of main memory and cache, so you have to take care of that by yourself. Not really recommended.
For benchmarking purposes, the simplest solution is probably copying a large memory block to a region marked with WC (write combining) instead of WB. The memory mapped region of the graphics card is a good candidate, or you can mark a region as WC by yourself via the MTRR registers.
You can find some resources about benchmarking short routines at Test programs for measuring clock cycles and performance monitoring.[1]
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